Before making an appointment for the issuance of a minor’s passport, make sure that the birth certificate has been transcribed at the Italian Municipality.
Minors are not authorized to create an account on Prenot@ami. The parent will have to make an appointment in her name and enter the minor’s full name in the notes.
Minors must be present at the appointment. The signature and fingerprints will be detected only for those over 12 years of age.
On the day of the appointment, show up with:
1. the form for minors completed but not signed;
2. if one of the parents cannot appear, they will have to fill in a consent form (refer to the paragraph below “Consent for a minor’s passport”);
3. valid passport or other ID (with photo and signature), for both parents;
4. the minor’s previous Italian passport, if he holds one (*);
5. local driver’s license or local ID of the minor, if he holds one (*);
6. passports of other nationalities (valid or expired) of the minor, if in possession of multiple citizenships (*);
7. legal residence permit in the US (US passport, US Permanent Resident Card, US Employment Authorization Card, or US Visa) of the minor, if he/she holds one;
8. US naturalization certificate of the minor, if he/she holds one;
9. 2 passport size color photographs 2″x 2″, front view, clear background and unsmiling; face size must not exceed 1.18″ wide and 1.38″ high;
10. Money Order (only USPS is accepted) or Cashier Check (pay to “Consulate General of Italy – Houston” From “SURNAME First Name”. Memo “SURNAME Name / Passport”) for a total of $125.00. Check that the amount is the one indicated in the updated Estratto tabella consolare. Please be aware that the amount change on Jan 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st ; 11. A USPS or UPS pre-stamped and pre-addressed envelope with tracking number (no FedEx). Only one envelope can be brought for multiple bookings. In case of pickup at the Consulate, the envelope is not required;
12. The shipment authorization form (LINK), completed and signed by the parent
13. Photocopies of all documents submitted in 3,4,5,6,7,8
(please note that at least one document marked with the symbol (*) must be valid and complete with photo and signature)
Consent to the issuance of a minor child’s passport.
If one of the parents cannot appear during the minor’s passport appointment, he/she will have to fill in a consent form:
• if the other parent has the Italian (or European) citizenship, his/her can fill out the consent form (completed and signed) and attach a copy of a valid Italian (or European) passport.
• if the other parent does NOT have Italian (or European) citizenship, is required his/her presence at the consulate or the receipt of consent via PEC from another diplomatic authority, Police Headquarters or Municipality. The consent can be signed at this Consulate during business hours (no appointment required) bringing a valid ID and $21.80 exact in cash. Please check that this amount matches with the Consular Fees (Estratto tabella consolare ) row “Atto di assenso, art 19” and column “USD arrot.” Be aware that consular fees change every three months on Jan 1, Apr 1, July 1 and Oct 1.
The assent must be dated within six months of the date of the appointment.